Atlas Sound - DY

Below are all the different types of Atlas Sound. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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TELEPHONE INTERCOM ACCESSORIES CE SERIES DP 1A OPTIONS DT DY LT600 VC TPS24 05 TS302A WALL MOUNT HANDSET HOOKSWITCH ASSEMBLIES Units are Designed for Use with Teiephone intercoms or Paging Systems Circuitry Provides Precise Speech Reproduction Shipped Assembied and Wired to a Barrier Strip Terminai Biock on the Mounting Piate with Coior Coded Leads and Spade Piugs Brushed Steei Waii Piates Fit Standard Eiectricai Boxes Hardware inciuded DPDT Styie Hookswitch can be Wired as Form A B or C to Meet Your System Needs CE 2A AC Series features a standard 500 styie neutrai coior handset with a chrome hook switch and brushed stainiess steei piate The hookswitch is a ieaf type with cross bar paiiadium contacts for iong iife and ...